Thursday, December 27, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
It is official!
As far as the diabetes, I am still on track. My body is becoming more insulin resistant, which they said would happen, so they put me on Humalog (fast acting insulin) when I test and am too high after meals. So far, I have only had to give myself three shots extra, so most of the time I am within range!
The nursery is almost done and I am so excited about how cute it is! I am waiting until I get the last thing hung on the wall to take the pics for everyone to see! In the meantime, here is a new belly pic. It is getting bigger by the day!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
December 1st
I had a ton of appointments this week (two non-stress tests, two appointments at diabetic care center, an ultrasound, and an OB appointment), but everything still looks good! They measured Hannah at the ultrasound and she is measuring within a week of where she should be which is how she has measured the whole time. My OB said that we will continue to watch her development before they make any final decisions, but as of now they are thinking that they will want to induce at 39 weeks if I don't deliver before then. Until then, I will now be going for the non-stress tests twice a week, my OB appointment once a week and to diabetic care every two weeks. It is nice to be monitored so closely, but I feel bad for all the work that I am having to miss.
Also this week Michael and I were able to go to Wal-Mart and Babies R Us to get the things we still needed with the gift cards from the showers. I think we are finally getting close to having all the important things! Hopefully in the next few weeks we will be able to finish getting the nursery put together and get some pictures posted for everyone to see. Right now, it is all in nice organized stacks waiting to be put in it's place! I can't wait to have it all put together and ready for her to come home to. Six or seven weeks isn't long to get it ready with all the holiday festivities!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Other updates: I am going to tons of appointments these days! I went in today (Monday) to Diabetes Management again to go on the insulin shot. The medication was not working as well as they hoped, so we went to plan B! Now we will try the shot and see how it goes. I also went for my first non-stress test which I will be going every Monday and Thursday from now until delivery for these tests. They measure the amniotic fluid, my blood pressure, the baby's heartbeat and any contractions. Hannah of course did not want to cooperate (those of you that have unsuccessfully wanted to feel her move should not be surprised by this) and so it took longer than I expected. All the results came back great and so it doesn't matter that she didn't cooperate well, except that I don't want it to take an hour and a half two days a week! Maybe she will do much better on Thursday. On Thursday I also go for an ultrasound and for my regular OB appointment. I am ready to see that she is still measuring on target and not getting too big too fast! I know it will be a pain to keep up with all of the appointments, but it is so great to know that I will get to listen to and see Hannah twice a week from here on out! I know that her moving lets me know that she is alive and well, but this way, I also get to know that she is healthy and on target!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
The Weekend
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Diabetes Update
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Michael and I went this weekend on the Deacon Retreat and we had a great time. We played a game on Friday night that was hilarious and based on information that the wives had turned in about their husbands. Then on Saturday (today) we had a speaker that I thought was highly entertaining and then we went to lunch with a bunch of people in Midway. I was kinda dreading going because I thought it might be boring, but all the people made it really fun! Next week we have the church baby shower in Utah and I am so excited! I have not bought Hannah one thing since I have been pregnant because I wanted to wait and see what we needed after the showers, so I have all these ideas of what I want for the nursery and for the baby in general, but I have resisted so far! The week after that (the 18th) is our shower at the church in Oklahoma and we are going to leave out that Thursday before and drive. Not looking forward to the 36 hours in the car, but glad that we are driving so that we will have a vehicle the week we are there and a way to get presents home! Plus it is a good way to force myself to do the Thank You's from both the showers since I won't have much else to do in the car!
The Utah Baby Boom has begun! We have 6 of us pregnant and due within three months of each other and Holly Malec was the first one to pop! She had a little girl, Isabella Marie, on Friday and Crystal Harper had her cerclage removed so she should go into labor any day now with little Ava! I think her scheduled C-Section is sometime this week, so if she hasn't gone on her own, I imagine they will still keep that date planned! I think that there is only one boy expected out of the six of us! Well, that is all for now! Hope you have a great week!
Prayer of the week:
"They have no struggles; their bodies are healthy and strong." Psalms 73:4
Pray that I will be able to keep my blood sugar under control and have the self discipline needed to make it through the holiday temptations. Pray that Hannah will not be affected and that she will continue to grow into a healthy, happy, regular size baby!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Week 27
Monday, October 8, 2007
It's still a girl! :)
Monday, October 1, 2007
Week 24
The funny/bizarre part of the whole day was when we were back at the airport waiting on his passengers and another jet lands. Off the jet walks the pilot, Amy Cathey (a girl from my sunday school class back in OK)! Goose knew her from working with her husband so we had a small Durant reunion at the Ogden airport! Amy now lives in Dallas, Goose lives in Arkansas and me here in Utah all meeting up at the airport!
After the visit, I drove down to the scrapbooking expo and stayed there until midnight. We scrapped the next day from 10-5:30 and then went to the circus! It was so much fun, but very exhausting! I am still not sure I am fully recovered! Here is what our tables looked like at the expo!
These are the scrapbooking girls (L to R): Me, Tamara, Cindi, Holly (seated) and Stacia. We had so much fun! Tamara even won the dance contest (twice) and was on TV!
This coming week, I will have my mom, dad, and little sister, Kristen, here in Utah! I can't wait! I haven't seen them since we went back to Oklahoma for graduation in May. We are going on Saturday to get a 3D/4D ultrasound so hopefully I will have some good baby pics to post next week.
Prayer for this week:
" The Lord is my strength and my song;he has given me victory.This is my God, and I will praise him—my father’s God, and I will exalt him!" Exodus 15:2
I just want to thank God this week for making it this far and having the chance to be at peace during this journey. It is so encouraging to feel the baby move more and know that she(he) is doing well. I pray that I will continue to give him the praise and exalt him even when I don't feel as confident.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Greatest Husband
Monday, September 24, 2007
Week 23
Prayer of the week:
"Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you." Psalm 25:5
Help us to continue to be led by truth and to learn God's plan for our lives. I pray that we will be open to His guidance in all areas of our life. Help me to continually, all day long, put my hope in Him. I have finally reached a point of some peace and pray that it will continue as well!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
It's A ...
This is obviously her profile. The tech was joking that he couldn't get it exact because she wouldn't turn her head all the way so he said her nose is bigger looking on the pic than it really is. Of course, with the Garrett nose, you never know for sure!
This is a front on view of the face, the traditional alien view! Hopefully the 3-D view shows her face a little better!This is the bottom of her feet (running left to right). You can see the little toes best on the top foot!
This is a view of the arm and a fuzzy view of the ear and profile. I have no idea what part is showing in the left half.This is supposed to be a great view of this part, but how would I know! The arrow is pointing at her "girl parts" and then you can see her leg on the bottom side and bottoms of her feet to the left. The tech was pretty sure after this shot that she is a girl for sure, but like I said, they have been wrong before, so before we register for pink, we will check again!
Michael stopped on his way home from work and bought me baby pink and white roses for our pink baby girl! He also bought this cute pink and white stuffed animal for Hannah. We are for sure using Hannah for a girl (and Garrett if it turns out to be a boy), but the middle name is still to be determined. We were pretty sure, but we have started waffling!
Prayer for Hannah this week:
"For you are a holy people to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth." Deuteronomy 7:6
Help us to make Hannah (or Garrett) feel the love of God and realize that she (he) is a special treasure to God and to our family.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Week 19
We are going to have some company coming soon and I can't wait! Carrie is planning on coming in September and my mom, dad, and Kristen are coming in October! It will be nice to have more people come here to see us in Utah.
Ok, so, since there isn't much going on here, I don't have much to say! I will make a post right after the ultrasound on Tuesday! This pic describes most of my recent shopping adventures. This in-between thing is tricky! Luckily, I have friends that have helped me find things to fill in the gap until maternity fits better!
"If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; but if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken." Isaiah 1:19-20
Pray that Little Bean will be an obedient and willing child that will not rebel. Pray that Bean would not only obey us, but also the Lord in all it does. Help us to be the kind of example that God would have us to be.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Mini Update 8-23-07
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Week 17 & 18- August 14-27
I had no idea how many old wives tales there are regarding the sex of your baby! I have had a few people that have attempted to guess based on some of these things and I even have a friend that does handwriting analysis. The funny part is that they have come out 1/2 and 1/2. The handwriting and the dangling something over the belly both came out boy, the eyelid test(??) and the craving test came out girl! Only two more weeks before hopefully we will know!
I have added links to some of our friends here in UT that have websites for their families that you should check out. If you have a link that you would like me to add, let me know! We go back to the Dr. on Thursday for a regular check-up so I will add a little update after that! Hope you have a good week!
Prayer for Little Bean (and family):
"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want" Phil. 4:11-12
Pray this for Michael and I and for "Little Bean" as we continue to try to figure out what God's plan is for our life once this little one gets here. I am not sure financially how we are going to work out the daycare/stay-at-home/work part-time issue and I know that God has a plan for this and that we are not to worry, so I don't let my thoughts go there yet. However, I just pray that we will find God's will for our future and that we will be content and not be greedy for more. I also pray that our child will be content (and thrive) in whatever circumstances are in God's plans.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Week 16
This past week I have started making a list of books that I want to read on parenting and have already finished one! If you have any suggestions on parenting books that you would highly recommend, please pass them along! I am looking for books about discipline, biblical child rearing, how to have fun with your kids, etc. I figure some of you have read and attempted to implement some of the techniques and know which ones are realistic and which are impossible to put into place! Since I think I have my pregnancy bases covered (What to expect when you are expecting, Pregnancy week by week, and the Girlfriends guide to pregnancy), it is time to start working on our plan of action for once the baby gets here!
Here it is, the 16 week pregnant pic!
Prayer for the week:
"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him." Psalms 62:5
Pray for Michael and I that we can rely on Him for rest and reassurance. (Michael is so much better at this than I am!) Pray that once "little bean" gets here that he/she will find it's hope in God alone as well.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Prayer for 7/29-8/4
Pray that "little bean" will continue to be knit together perfectly with God's hands. Pray that my body will continue to be a happy and healthy dwelling place for our child to grow until full maturity.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Welcome to Our Family Blog!
I am hoping that my little ticker I put on the top will update like it should so that you can always keep up with where we are on our little journey! I am currently almost 15 weeks and doing great. For those that I haven't spoken to, I have had no morning sickness, no aversion to smells, no major naseau problems and now that we are out of the first trimester, I am hoping not to ever have to deal with any of those! I have had 5 ultrasounds with this pregnancy and in the first three we weren't able to see anything. We were nervous due to our history of 2 previous miscarriages, but we waited it out and even after a week of spotting, we finally saw our "little bean" and the heartbeat on June 11! We went again on June 28 and were able to see the baby and heartbeat again and it helped to ease my mind a little. We won't get another ultrasound until Sept. 4 when we go for the "big" ultrasound where they will check the development and hopefully find out if we need to think in pink or blue! Michael and I are both thinking boy at this point, but God may have a surprise in store for us! Be sure and add your guess on the side! This is the first glimpse we got of "little bean" at 7w6d. The little dark spot on the bottom half is the heart.
Stitch Fix #6
I have been signed up with Stitch Fix for a while and I very rarely order a Fix because frankly, I am just super picky. I like my clothes t...
She is going to make a great big sister... Well, maybe not yet... But hopefully she will be ready by September when she becomes one! I am c...
We took Hannah for a one week checkup on Monday. She weighed 6 lbs 3 ozs, so she is slowly growing! Her little face is now filling out some,...