Monday, September 14, 2009

Going Home! :)

We were released from the hospital on Sunday around 2pm! We are loving being at home! Here are some pictures from before we left the hospital. I still can't get mom's pics to download on my computer, so we will have to do a post with those later! Here is Rachel with Dr. Adler, the Dr that delivered her:Here she is in her going home outfit. It is the same outfit that Carla, Kristen and I came home from the hospital in and so now Hannah and Rachel have worn it home too! :)Here I am with Rachel (tired and no makeup), but excited about leaving the hospital! Rachel and her Daddy working on getting ready to leave!In her car seat getting in the truck. She still has her bandage from her bili level blood draw. She came back slightly jaundiced and so we went back in for another blood level today. She came back a just a little higher than normal, but instead of going back for blood work again, we are just going for a visit with her pediatrician tomorrow. Here is Hannah checking out Rachel. So far, she has done really well with her! She makes the cutest face when Rachel starts crying and I will get pictures of it online when I can get to mom's pics. I still don't think that Hannah understands what all is going on. She is just excited to have PaPa and GG to play with, so she hasn't really had alot to do with Rachel yet! GG and Rachel:PaPa and Rachel:

1 comment:

Sarah said...

what a sweet little peanut! Congrats to all!

Stitch Fix #6

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