We went to Christmas with Michael's extended family on Sunday and Hannah's Grandma bought her and Jacob matching outfits for the affair! I love Hannah's Christmas dress, but she is now too busy to just sit and smile. These were the pictures we took at my parents before we left for Stan and Ruth's house. Check out her thigh rolls! :)Once we got there we took some pics of Jacob and Hannah in the Christmas finest! Do you have any idea how hard it is to get two kids under one to look and smile at the same time? Let me tell you, it is next to impossible! I am ready for them to be old enough to understand the sit and smile concept...So her is the best of what we got!This will just give you an idea of what the rest of them looked like:I have to say the best one is the one where they were being held by Aunt Jacki and unable to get away, even though neither one is looking at the camera!Then we changed them into more comfortable clothes and let them play and eat.Then it was time to open presents. Michael and Uncle Stan chilling on the couch...The "older" kids opening presents...And Jacob and Hannah opening presents... We had a great time seeing everyone. Unfortunately while were home for Christmas Michael's grandmother passed away on Christmas Day. Once again, it was one of those things that we were not happy that it happened while we were home, but at least we were able to be there for Michael's mom as she went through the loss of her mom. We got to see more family than the usual few that we get together with when we are home. I loved getting to see Aunt Mary. I haven't seen since Michael graduated college! Here she is with her Granddaughter Erin!
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