Monday, February 21, 2011

The Gale Center

We went with Jenni, Gunner and Georgia Drew Morgan to the Gale Center. It is this really cute little building that is set up with little areas that the kids can play in set up like things from about 100 years ago. There is a grocery store, school, and home as well as some small areas for extras! Hannah and Gunner played with their cute aprons on in the grocery area, Rachel just kinda ran around...
Some of these pics are blurry because they were in constant motion! This is Rachel with the cute bonnet on that she wore for all of five seconds:Gunner and Hannah fishing, poles with magnets on the end and fish with paperclips in the carpet river:Hannah and Rachel trying to squeeze in the car together (chicken coop with chickens and fake eggs to gather in the background):Hannah setting the table and getting ready to make dinner at the stove:Rachel on the bridge over the "water":Collecting eggs! :)Jenni and Gunner playing checkers (Georgia Drew in the stroller):Washing clothes with the washboard and bucket and hanging them on the line:
The kids had a great time and it was lots of fun to watch do grown up things with kids sized toys!

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Stitch Fix #6

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