Monday, January 24, 2011

Traveling fun

On November 19th Michael and I loaded the car and headed to Oklahoma. We were packed for the girls and I to stay for six weeks in Durant and for a 22 hour drive in the car with two little ones. Luckily my car has a built in DVD player, but we also loaded snacks and toys to play with so we weren't constantly watching the TV. One of the entertainment snacks was dumdum suckers. I have learned that a little tape around the sticks keeps them from getting mushy as the kids slobber on them and keeps them from breaking. Here is Rachel with hers:And Hannah with hers (she was pretending it was lipstick at one point which is why it is all over her face):We got lucky enough for this one to take a nap in the car!I think Michael was most excited about this because we were able to get Hannah to listen to her cartoons on the headphones so he could listen to what he wanted on the radio. When Rachel is watching, he is just out of luck since she doesn't do the headphones yet. Notice her color wonder coloring and her marker lids on her fingers!But all good things come quickly to an end and this cuties was ready to be entertained once again! I think on the way to Oklahoma I sat in the front seat for maybe two hours total and in between two car seats the rest of the drive!

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Stitch Fix #6

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