This year for Halloween the girls were zoo animals- Hannah the elephant, and Rachel the zebra. We had the zebra from Hannah's first Halloween and we found this elephant costume for $3! :) A few days before Halloween, we went to a carnival at Hannah's school. The girls had so much fun playing games and getting their face painted. Rachel got whiskers and Hannah got a peanut on her cheek. They were really cute!

Hannah also got to dress up for school and since its hard to see in the elephant costume, she decided to go as a princess instead. She even broke out the "princess face" for the picture!

Halloween night I took them both up and down our street (quickly because it was raining and really cold) while Michael handed out candy at our house. Here they are walking up to trick-or-treat:

Here they are after trick-or-treating. Rachel was ready for bed so she was not very happy at this point.

Then I took Hannah on the street behind us so that she could have some more fun. She told me about 3/4 of the way around the circle that she was cold and ready to go home, even in her warm costume with clothes underneath. Here she is about to knock on a door: