Friday, September 19, 2008

Our week...

Michael was excited that Hannah is now big enough to play ball, so he decided to go to Wal-Mart to buy one! Of course, being a man, he had to get the biggest ball he could find and it isn't quite the best size to "play ball" with, so I went and got tennis balls that are a little closer to size! Also on Wednesday I took Hannah for her 8 month pictures and the outfit that I REALLY wanted her to wear was still too big, so we had to go to plan B. Luckily for us, Hannah has some cute clothes in her wardrobe and some on loan from our dear friends, the Gosnell's! So, to decide what to wear in her pictures, I took a few of her in three different outfits and let Michael and my mom help me decide which was the cutest. So, here are the two that won, except Michael vetoed the flower headband, so there is no bow with the second outfit. As usual, when they send me the link to the proofs, I will share it with you!

And as promised, I finally caught the action on video and have it to share with you! She is getting much better at pulling up, but still has some balance problems when she gets up!

Here is a cute video of her being the knucklehead that she is, she is blowing raspberries in the air and on the ottoman (that is before she grabs my camera string and tries to eat the camera)...


April said...

I like the new look of the blog. Pink is pretty and sweet pictures of Hannah. :o)

Mama C said...

Wow! It's hard to believe little Hannah is sitting up by herself and crawling around AND pulling herself up already! The pictures of her are delightful! What a beautiful little girl! I laughed when I watched her blowing raspberries! Too cute!!

Stitch Fix #6

I have been signed up with Stitch Fix for a while and I very rarely order a Fix because frankly, I am just super picky. I like my clothes t...