Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Pioneer Day
Rachel's "Tricks"
The day that Hannah was gone, I tried to get some good video of Rachel's fun "tricks." She is getting to where you can teach her things and she will mimic and repeat them! Here she is playing peek-a-boo!
And showing us that she is "so big"
And waving and saying "bye bye"
Hannah's Day Out
Wheeler Farm
I tried to get video walking beside her and talking to her, but the guy leading the horse ended up being pretty chatty, so it is mostly him. Oh well, it is still cute!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Lots of Water Fun!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
My little walker...
So when we got back from Oklahoma, Rachel was ready to start walking and so she pushed around this little toy for a few days.
This was the first night when she was practicing walking between Michael and I, then Yolonda and Glenn!
Then just a few days later, she was just letting go and on her way! She is now getting to where she can change directions without falling and is better at regaining control when she starts to wobble! I hope to get more video of her walking soon! :)
Stitch Fix #6
I have been signed up with Stitch Fix for a while and I very rarely order a Fix because frankly, I am just super picky. I like my clothes t...
She is going to make a great big sister... Well, maybe not yet... But hopefully she will be ready by September when she becomes one! I am c...
We took Hannah for a one week checkup on Monday. She weighed 6 lbs 3 ozs, so she is slowly growing! Her little face is now filling out some,...