Friday, February 6, 2009


The other night Hannah was playing with her toys and decided to just crawl in the basket and have a seat. She is such a knuckle head sometimes! :)We "childproofed" the downstairs and there are two small cabinets on each side of the oven that we couldn't put a latch on, so I just moved all of my tupperware into one of them and my stand up cookie sheets are in the other. Hannah has gotten very good at taking all the bowls and lids out and spreading them all over the kitchen and living room. I am constantly re-stacking them and putting them away, but five seconds later, they are all back out! Here she is playing with them and a view of my floor afterwards. Also, she got a bath time basket ball hoop and I stuck it on the dishwasher and she loves it! She carries the balls around and puts anything small enough in the net!Hannah, like her mother, loves pasta! Today for lunch I made some penne noodles with sauce and some garlic toast, so this is the result...Check out where she rubbed it in her hair...She was very happy about the meal! This is one of those things that I would much rather feed her and avoid the mess, but I am slowly letting go and letting her make the mess. I know it is the only way that she will learn!

1 comment:

kerrycollins said...

plus it's so much more fun for her to make a mess with the food!

Stitch Fix #6

I have been signed up with Stitch Fix for a while and I very rarely order a Fix because frankly, I am just super picky. I like my clothes t...