Thursday, July 31, 2008
I have read some recent posts such as this and this that really make me think and look at how I am living and even more important, how I look at raising my children. I have to say that before we decided to have kids, I thought that I knew everything since I had babysat and worked in nurseries for 15 years. I have had to discipline, teach, and take care of the basic needs of children of all ages. I have seen children that needed more discipline, less discipline, and different discipline and I was the first to tell you my opinion (wanted or not). I really thought that I knew more than some of my friends that are moms and that I would have no problem raising a kid without being "that mom" (you know the one that always takes their kid to the doctor when they sneeze or the one whose child throws fits in the grocery isle).
I am not good at asking for help and I hate looking stupid in front of anyone! Because of this, I read as many parenting books, websites, and magazines as I could get my hands on just in case there were things that I didn't know before having Hannah! I really felt like I was prepared for anything! Then I had her...
Motherhood is the most wonderful, exciting, and rewarding job that I have ever had. Period. I wouldn't trade it for all the money in the world. However, I never knew how much I would second guess every single decision that I make. I worry am I not feeding her enough, or too much; am I feeding her the right things in the right order (because every book has a different opinion and who is to say which one is the right one!); is the choice to let her sleep in the swing this once going to mess up her sleeping pattern for the rest of her life; am I setting the example for her that God would have me to; etc. I have to say in all of this self-doubt, there is one thing that has helped me- I am not the only one! I have talked to multiple friends and as mothers, we all feel the same way! Friends with older kids say that they are past the basic needs worries and now they second guess their discipline choices, the school they put their kids in, their after school activities, their decision on if they can go to a sleepover or not, and the list goes on and on. The hardest part is that you don't know if you did the right thing until years later. You don't know if they are going to turn out to be happy, well-adjusted adults that make good decisions until they become adults!
Through the last few months I have learned one thing: we all do the best we can with the knowledge that we have at the time. We all have different kids with different personalities and as a mom, you have to decide what is best for your kid. I am slowly learning to accept this and stop comparing myself to other moms and stop comparing Hannah to other kids. It is SO much harder than it sounds, but slowly I am learning to lean on God to fill in the gaps and not beat myself up over the little stuff. I also will never again say, "my child will never do _____" because, you never know and I now know "that mom" is just doing the best she can.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Carla and Heath

Sunday, July 6, 2008
Goleman's Visit and 4th of July

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Fun Times

and enter my name Kim Wallace in the customer name box. Then you should be able to hit "click here" and view the pics. They intentionally keep them blurry so you can't copy and paste them and print your own, but at least you can see them. Also, I took her today for her six month pictures and will post the link on them when I get it as well! I am hoping to post pics of our time with the Goleman's later this week, so be sure to check back!
Ok, so you have no idea how exciting it was for me to find out that I can now post video! I have tried multiple times before and it has never worked, so I was shocked and thrilled to know that now I can post video of Hannah. She has so many "new tricks" that I have wanted to share, so I have been catching short videos during the week. The first is a video of her laughing (granted the lighting is terrible, but I didn't have time to turn on a light or open a window because I didn't want to miss it) and it is my favorite!
This video is her working her way around her new toy, the first step toward future walking!
This is a clip of her rolling over from back to front. She is also capable of rolling all the way over and can scoot anywhere she wants to, I just couldn't get it on video yet!
Stitch Fix #6
I have been signed up with Stitch Fix for a while and I very rarely order a Fix because frankly, I am just super picky. I like my clothes t...
She is going to make a great big sister... Well, maybe not yet... But hopefully she will be ready by September when she becomes one! I am c...
We took Hannah for a one week checkup on Monday. She weighed 6 lbs 3 ozs, so she is slowly growing! Her little face is now filling out some,...