Tuesday, January 26, 2010
2 Year/ 4 Month Pictures
I took the girls to have their pictures made this morning. Luckily, Yolonda met us there to help because I couldn't have done it without her! Here is the link: http://smilesbywire.com/home.asp?AC=LTPP0657112101JCP Go and enter my name Kimberly Wallace. I think they turned out great! :)
Wallace Extended Family Christmas
We went to Michael's Great Aunt and Uncle's house to celebrate Christmas before we left. It was great getting to see some family members that we only get to see once or twice a year! I did not take very many pictures (seems to be more the norm these days rather than the exception), but here are the few that I have! Here is Jacob with a Christmas bow on his head:
Hannah in her Christmas dress from Grandma (with her crazy, crazy hair):
Hannah's Official Second Birthday!
On January 4th, we had a small celebration in Utah for Hannah's birthday! We invited Grandma Yo and Grandpa Glenn over for dinner and had a kid friendly meal and cookies! Hannah got to decorate some cookies with icing and sprinkles. She loves to shake things and this is one way that she can have fun in the kitchen! 
Toward the end, you can see all the extra sprinkles in the pan...
Grandma Yo taking care of Rachel:
Hannah blowing out her candle on her cookie:
Opening her present from Grandma Yo and Grandpa Glenn, a tutu with matching headband:
The ensemble once it was on! :)
Hannah and Grandpa Glenn:
We feel so lucky to have Yolonda and Glenn in our lives! It is so nice to have our family away from family and the girls just love them to pieces!
Hannah's Second Birthday-Oklahoma
While we were in Oklahoma, we decided to celebrate Hannah's birthday with the family. We kept it simple and just did pizza, balloons, and party hats! On all the cartoons she watches, when they have a party they have hats and balloons, so when Hannah talks about parties, she always talks about hats and balloons, so that s what we did! :) Since we did a princess theme, here she is in her party tiara:
It didn't last long before she wanted a regular party hat! Here she is playing with her balloons:
Opening presents with help from Uncle Clay and Aunt KK:
The great grandparents with the two year old:
Uncle Clay's party hat on top of his regular hat:
PaPa playing with Rachel:
The birthday girl and her cake:
Close up of the cupcake cake:
Blowing out the candle, she made us do it twice!
Eating her cupcake, sorta, she just licked the icing off and called it good!

It was nice for the family to be able to share her birthday with her, even if we have to do it a few days early to include them! :)
It was nice for the family to be able to share her birthday with her, even if we have to do it a few days early to include them! :)
Monday, January 25, 2010
Christmas Day-Part 3
After Christmas at my grandparents, we went home for short naps then over to the Wallace family Christmas! Here is Hannah with Grandma opening presents and Jacki and Jacob:
Here I am helping Rachel open her presents:
Grandpa watching the kids open all their goodies:
Brett's fiance Beverly and her daughter Peyton opening presents:
More of the present craziness!
This kitchen came from Santa to Peyton, but Hannah loved playing with it. Luckily, Grandma and Grandpa had already ordered one for Hannah for her birthday! :)
Aunt Jacki and Rachel (don't know why it loaded sideways)
Santa brought Hannah and Jacob tricycles! They both can barely reach the pedals, but it won't be long before they are all over the place!

We had a great day and got more stuff than we have room for! We are truly blessed to have such great families that love us!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Christmas-Part 2
At Grandpa Joe and Grandmama Betty's house, we always have quail for Christmas and it is something we all look forward to all year! This year when we were getting ready, KK and Carla were both wearing scarves to their house, so Hannah thought she needed one too! This is her playing before we left the house in her "fashonista" outfit!
This is the first year that everyone was able to be there Christmas morning! Between inlaws, babies, and living out of town/state there is always someone missing, but not this year! My cousin Audrey has three girls from almost 2-4 and Hannah had a blast running around with them up and down the ramp in the house. This is Audrey, her father (my uncle), and her oldest reading a book.
This is also her oldest telling my mom about this snowglobe that she wants to save for her wedding! Kids are so funny! :)
Aunt Pam with Audreys youngest. She is about a month younger than Hannah.
My cousin Beth and her husband Nathan. They are expecting their first this year! :)
Michael, KK and GiGi letting Hannah play with KKs phone!
Then it was finally time for stockings and presents! I can't get over how many stockings now line my grandparents mantle.
Everyone waiting to see what they got!
Hannah helping hand out the stockings:
Hannah digging in to see what she got:
Cousin Garrett wearing the reindeer antlers! It was so cute!

Christmas Day-Part 1
Even though this was Hannah's second Christmas and Rachel and Garrett's first, it really felt more like Hannah's first Christmas-Take Two because the other two aren't old enough to really enjoy or understand what is going on. This is Rachel and Hannah in their new Christmas jammies. Hannah got her jammies all yucky so in the morning pics opening presents she is in different jammies. These were called tutu cute jammies since they came with this cute tutu! :) Hannah ended up wearing the tutu with lots of other outfits while we were there.
Here is our new Christmas package, Rachel in her jammies. She was really close to rolling over in these pictures and she figured out how to roll from back to tummy while we were in Oklahoma!
Uncle Clay bought the largest present Hannah received, it is a Dora castle/tent and she loves it! She got one of those fold out couch/beds from us for her birthday and it is in the tent and she goes and watches movies on her little travel DVD player all the time!
Peeking through the top of the tent...
KK smiling in her new jammies!
Carla, Heath and Garrett surrounded by their presents:
Hannah helping PaPa open his presents:
Me and Rachel playing with her presents:
Garrett checking out his "santa" present:
Hannah helping Rachel with her presents:
Digging in her stocking:

Helping GG make cinnamon toast for breakfast:
After Christmas at my parents we headed over to my Grandparents house for Christmas #2!
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