Well, I never posted after my last Dr. appointment because I was waiting on my test results. I got the call on Tuesday that I failed my 1 hour glucose tolerance test so I went in on Wednesday for the three hour fasting glucose test. I got the results on Friday morning that I failed it too! SO, I officially have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I will go on Tuesday to Diabetes Management for an appointment to find out how bad my numbers were and what the plan of action will be. Luckily, I am somewhat knowledgeable of diabetes with having an insulin dependent sister, so I am not as shocked and scared as most people when they get the diagnosis. I luckily know there are alternative ways to cook some of the sweets that we all love and my mom made alot of adjustments to recipes until she got them to taste pretty close the high sugar ones so I have some good resources to help through the holiday months! I was pretty prepared for this news since I knew that I had two of the biggest markers (being overweight and having diabetic family members) for it before I ever got pregnant! They say that there is only a 2% chance of having it after the baby is born, but if it doesn't go away, I know it isn't the end of the world. At this point, I just want to make sure that Hannah is healthy and that I do not grow a 10 pound baby, so I will do whatever it takes!
Michael and I went this weekend on the Deacon Retreat and we had a great time. We played a game on Friday night that was hilarious and based on information that the wives had turned in about their husbands. Then on Saturday (today) we had a speaker that I thought was highly entertaining and then we went to lunch with a bunch of people in Midway. I was kinda dreading going because I thought it might be boring, but all the people made it really fun! Next week we have the church baby shower in Utah and I am so excited! I have not bought Hannah one thing since I have been pregnant because I wanted to wait and see what we needed after the showers, so I have all these ideas of what I want for the nursery and for the baby in general, but I have resisted so far! The week after that (the 18th) is our shower at the church in Oklahoma and we are going to leave out that Thursday before and drive. Not looking forward to the 36 hours in the car, but glad that we are driving so that we will have a vehicle the week we are there and a way to get presents home! Plus it is a good way to force myself to do the Thank You's from both the showers since I won't have much else to do in the car!
The Utah Baby Boom has begun! We have 6 of us pregnant and due within three months of each other and Holly Malec was the first one to pop! She had a little girl, Isabella Marie, on Friday and Crystal Harper had her cerclage removed so she should go into labor any day now with little Ava! I think her scheduled C-Section is sometime this week, so if she hasn't gone on her own, I imagine they will still keep that date planned! I think that there is only one boy expected out of the six of us! Well, that is all for now! Hope you have a great week!
Prayer of the week:"They have no struggles; their bodies are healthy and strong." Psalms 73:4Pray that I will be able to keep my blood sugar under control and have the self discipline needed to make it through the holiday temptations. Pray that Hannah will not be affected and that she will continue to grow into a healthy, happy, regular size baby!